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Exclusive In-Person Event
7 years ago, Saepio wrote our first blog on ransomware accompanied by a protection guide. Now in 2023, ransomware has been called out by Lindy Cameron, CEO of the NCSC, as the number one threat faced by UK business today. It’s rife, in fact stats suggest globally there’s a ransomware incident every 5 seconds. It doesn’t discriminate, Fortune 50 or 50 employees, it’s important to be prepared.
Saepio are running an event along with Pentest People, Rapid7 and Druva, to provide awareness on the evolving threat of ransomware and guide organisations through the steps they should take to protect their business.
Event Details:
- When: Thursday 30th March, 3pm – 5:30pm onwards
- Where: The House of Lords, Westminster
- What: Industry expert presentations, food, drinks and networking.

- "Ransomware State of the Nation" - The national strategy to increase cyber resilience - Anthony Salerno, vCISO, Saepio
- "Anatomy of Ransomware Attacks" - Modern techniques to breach defences and common weaknesses - Ian Nicolson, Head of IR, Pentest People
- "Detect Early and Contain Fast" - Criminal enterprises, monitoring attacker behaviour, building detection libraries, alerting early, and responding to quickly contain incidents - Raj Samani, Chief Scientist, Rapid7
- "The Key Player in Recovery" - Don’t pay ransoms! Restore data and systems following an organised and tested plan - Martin Edwards, Solutions Director, Druva
This is a limited event for information security professionals. Register your interest here and your Saepio Account Manager will contact you to secure your place.