This is a unique series of online webinars 💻 don't miss out... LogosNew  Logo - Black-2


This is a unique series of online webinars 💻 don't miss out... LogosNew  Logo - Black-2


" There is growing cyber inequity between organisations that are cyber resilient and those that are not.
The cyber-skills and talent shortage gap continues to widen at an alarming rate. "


The threat landscape continues to evolve and SMEs are being targeted by threat actors resulting in significant disruption to business. It’sshield never been more important to ensure all the foundations of cyber resilience are adopted and can be demonstrated to customers and partners through certifications like Cyber Essentials Plus.

Saepio’s expert advice is increasingly demanded by SME organisations to improve resilience to adversarial activity and we talk to hundreds of businesses on a weekly basis. Our Solutions Experts have created this series of events designed to explain how to tackle the fundamental areas of cyber security with a view to determining the right level of cyber resilience for your organisation.

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These are exclusive events with limited availability so you will need to receive confirmation of your place by email or call.



"Saepio are my go-to for all security projects. If anyone wanted a security partner, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend..."

Information Security Manager
Lendinvest PLC

The UK's largest online property investing and lending business

Webinar 1. Cyber Foundations Assessment
📅 4pm, 22nd May


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The Cyber Foundations Assessment (CFA) is designed to help organisations understand their current Cyber Security Baseline. Saepio knows that not all organisations are the same, and that the level of time and investment made into Cyber Security needs to be the right size. The CFA will assess against a strong foundational level of cyber maturity, with the option to accredit for Cyber Essentials plus if required. Outcomes include a clear road map for future improvements, relative to the risks an organisation faces, as well as a maturity strategy. 

Webinar 2. Firewalls and Internet Gateways
📅 4pm, 19th June 


Netskope-Stacked-Logo-Full-Color-RGB     saepio


Firewalls and internet gateways such as SEGs and SWGs serve as the first line of defense against cyber threats, making them essential components of any robust cybersecurity strategy. Join us to explore best practices, emerging trends, and practical strategies to enhance your organisation's security posture and also meet the 'Firewall' requirements of the Cyber Essentials Scheme.

3. Secure Configuration & Security Update Management
📅 4pm, 17th July


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Properly configured devices with up-to-date software are less vulnerable to cyber attacks, as secure configurations ensure that known vulnerabilities are mitigated, therefore reducing the likelihood of exploitation by cybercriminals. In this webinar we will be exploring approaches to secure device configuration and update management, and how to best meet the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Scheme in this regard.

4. User Access Control
📅 4pm, 21st August 


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Implementing appropriate access controls ensures that organisations can authenticate users and limit user privileges based on roles and responsibilities, reducing the risk of unauthorised access to confidential data or critical systems. This webinar will cover management of user/privileged accounts, and best practices for password-based authentication and MFA in light of the technical controls specified in the Cyber Essentials Scheme.

5. Malware Protection
📅 4pm, 18th September


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Malware refers to any malicious software (e.g. viruses, worms, spyware, botnets, ransomware etc.) that can infect your systems. Some malicious programs will access your sensitive data, some may encrypt it, some could steal it or some may just use the compute power of your machines to crypto-mine for example, slowing them down and costing you money. Malware can be delivered to your machines through a variety of methods such as via infected USB drives, through drive-by downloads from malicious websites, or more commonly through phishing. This webinar will be looking at ways you can protect your systems from malware infection.

6. Data and Backups
📅 4pm, 16th October


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All businesses, regardless of size, should take regular backups of their important data, and make sure that these backups are recent and can be restored. By doing this, you're ensuring your business can still function following the impact of flood, fire, physical damage or theft. Furthermore, if you have backups of your data that you can quickly recover, you can't be blackmailed by ransomware attacks! This webinar will cover best practice approaches to backing up your data.

7. Human Risk Management
📅 4pm, 20th November


M-SAT HRM     saepio


Training your staff to recognise security concerns can help lower your chances of suffering a data breach, being hit by ransomware, or falling for a payment fraud scam. Modern awareness training programs cater to individuals needs, addressing human risk using real-time metrics. This webinar will cover best practice for a modern human risk management programme. 

8. CE+ Certification
📅 4pm, 11th December 

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Pentest People Logo01     saepio


The Cyber Essentials scheme is a Cyber Security certification programme developed by the UK government to help organisations, both in the public and private sectors, protect themselves against common cyber attacks. It was launched in 2014 as part of the UK’s National Cyber Security Strategy and is designed to encourage good cyber security practices and raise the overall level of Cyber Security in the country. If you want to work with Government you will need Cyber Essentials certification. This webinar will cover the accreditation process and the steps necessary to achieve certification. 

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